
Finn, in food.

Apparently, Finn likes food. (He's already 8lbs 7oz at 6 weeks!!!)
Thanks for posting this, Shannon!

Welcome, Finnigan Fans!

We're so excited to share Finnigan's life with you. We've got everything puppy-proofed, hand-pick toys purchased, hand-me-down clothes from Maggie, and an empty crate and bed waiting just for Finn.

For those of you who are new:

Dave and I live in Jersey City, NJ. We moved here in 2004 from Orlando, Florida to start anew, trying out the city life. We LOVED it. But something was missing... In December 2006, we got our first dog, Maggie, from a breeder in KY. She was the cutest thing we've ever seen! An English Bulldog, she had the best personality any dog owner could ask for. Happy, intelligent, loyal, not even stubborn as we had expected! She has so much energy, we actually have to take her into NYC twice a week (by doggy stroller, on the subway) to doggy daycare.

But after she turned 2, she seemed to be missing something. Something Dave and I just couldn't fulfill. We felt she needed a friend she could relate to at home- someone she could communicate and play with on her level.

At first, we weren't sure if we were ready for another dog. But then a few months later, we stumbled across a random web cam on ustream.tv. It was a Bulldog puppy cam! A 6-day old litter of six Olde English Bulldog puppies, we were mesmerized by what we saw. We were able to see and hear everything going on in the lives of these precious pups, 24/7! We noticed Finnigan with his unusual markings- combover hair, spotted eye, white ear tip...he was adorable! We continued to watch Finnigan and the others grow over the next few weeks, learning their names, meeting others with the same fixation... catching the very moments of the pups opening their eyes for the first time, then taking their first steps, playing for the first time, learning to eat solid food, and personalities develop...

Finnigan HAD to be part of our family! And the biggest part of our buying Finnigan: The breeder, Ed Pelto. Not only were we able to see every moment of the puppies lives, we were able to get to know Ed. To see the love and care of a breeder like none we'd ever imagined, Ed's experience and gentle but fun personality towards both the pups (and even the strangers peering in on them!) made it completely impossible to pass up a well-raised pup.

Thank you, Ed. And thanks to ALL the friends I made on that site! (Puppy stalkers) ;) I hope you all enjoy watching the adventures of our Maggie and Finnigan. We're looking forward to entertaining the "Finnactics" (thanks, MaryC!) with his many adventures from the barn to the big city!

Finnigan Borkman (he's getting Dave's last name) arrives on March 13th. We're ready for you, buddy!!!